
Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学 today officially becomes the 14th member of The University of 德州 System.

纳科, 德州 — Following a 13-month process that included the formation of representative input groups, 收集社区和公众意见, 以及提交州立法, Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学 today officially becomes the 14th member of The University of 德州 System.

The formal action of transitioning sb体育 into the UT System was finalized during the Aug. 24 UT Board of Regents meeting in Austin to become official Sept. 1.

“这只是sb体育旅程的开始. We are convinced that this new relationship will make each of us stronger,德克萨斯大学校董会主席Kevin P. elife和UT系统校长James B. Milliken said in a joint open letter to the sb体育 community distributed Aug. 24. “从sb体育董事会到教职员工, 学生及校友, 给整个纳科多奇社区, we have been inspired by your enthusiasm and many new friendships that have evolved over the past year. It is our pleasure to officially welcome you to The University of 德州 System.”

Benefits of affiliation with the UT System began emerging before the transition was made official. The first was announced in January 2023, when the UT System invested $1 million in sb体育’s 紫色承诺学费覆盖计划. This need-based financial aid initiative funded through the system’s Promise Plus endowment is allowing more than 1,200 students to attend sb体育 tuition-free in the first year alone.

“今年对sb体育来说是具有历史意义的一年. 今天, we celebrate our affiliation with the UT System and in a few weeks will celebrate our university’s 100th anniversary of educating students,吉娜·奥格尔斯比说, sb体育临时主席. “sb体育’s ability to continue offering a quality 教育 in the pines will only be strengthened by our membership in the UT System.”

The UT System has also committed $22 million to address transition costs, 包括对sb体育教职员工的补偿, 8000万美元用于支持资本项目, 包括一个新的森林, 农业和跨学科设施, and investments in the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture and the Nelson Rusche College of Business’s 阿诺德创业中心.

More than $4 million in annual support services at sb体育 will be covered by the UT System and will range from access to free student mental health services to cybersecurity expertise.

The process of affiliating with a public university system began in August 2022, 时任sb体育临时主席. Steve Westbrook announced to the campus community that representatives from four 德州 university systems had extended interest in affiliating.

随后是长达数月的事实收集过程, headed by an sb体育 Board of Regents subcommittee that included Karen Gantt, chair; Tom Mason, vice chair; Jennifer Wade Winston, secretary; David Alders, member and former chair; and Westbrook. 

在2022年的五周时间里,从8月11日到11日. 22日至9月. 23, 代表性校园团体, 包括教务长委员会, 椅子论坛, 教师参议院, 员工委员会, 学生会及校友会, developed questions related to their constituent groups. These question sets were provided to each of the four systems Sept. 26日,并邀请在10月10日之前作出答复. 6.

10月. 30, representatives from all sb体育 constituent groups shared their thoughts on the respective systems’ answers; and on Nov. 29, the sb体育 Board of Regents approved an affiliation with the UT System.

Sponsored and drafted by eight 德州 legislators, including Sen. 罗伯特·尼科尔斯和代表们. Travis Clardy and Trent Ashby, Senate Bill 1055 passed and was signed May 10, 2023, by 政府. Greg Abbott, effectively authorizing the transition of sb体育 into the UT System.

7月27日, 2023, the UT System Regents voted in favor of assuming management and operational control of sb体育, 7月28日生效. The vote was also a requirement of the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学’ continued accreditation of sb体育. 作为持续认证的条件, SACSCOC required that the UT System assume management and control of sb体育 no later than July 28.

Answers to common questions related to affiliation with the UT System can be read at hypercollab.net/ut-system.

For information on the full affiliation process, visit hypercollab.net/system.

关于Stephen. 奥斯汀州立大学
Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学, 德州大学系统的最新成员, began a century ago as a teachers’ college in 德州’ oldest town, 纳科. 今天, it has grown into a regional institution comprising six colleges — business, 教育, 美术, 林业和农业, 文科及应用文科, 科学和数学. Accredited by the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools, sb体育招收约11人,000名学生 while providing the academic breadth of a state university with the personalized attention of a private school. The main campus encompasses 421 acres that include 36 academic facilities, 9栋宿舍, and 68 acres of recreational trails that wind through its six gardens. The university offers more than 80 bachelor’s degrees, more than 40 master’s degrees and four doctoral degrees covering more than 120 areas of study. 欲知详情,请浏览 hypercollab.net

The University of 德州 System has enhanced the lives of Texans and individuals worldwide through its commitment to 教育, 140年来的研究和医疗保健. 现有学校14所,在校学生254余人,000名学生, the UT System stands as one of the largest public university systems in the United States. 德州大学每年培养超过66名学生,000 graduates and award more than one-third of the undergraduate degrees in 德州, 以及该州60%以上的医学学位. The combined efforts of UT-owned and affiliated hospitals and clinics resulted in over 10.7 million outpatient visits and more than 2 million hospital days last year. 德州大学的学费是3美元.8 billion research enterprise is one of the nation’s most innovative and ranks No. 德州第一,德州第二. 联邦研究经费在全国排名第二. 德州大学系统的运营预算为29美元.1 billion for fiscal year 2024 and employs more than 116,000年教师, 卫生保健专业人员, 支持人员和学生工作者.