
劳纳Castañeda,斯蒂芬·F. 奥斯汀州立大学 political science major from Garland, received a Best of sb体育 Award.


朱莉娅·霍布森, Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学 general agriculture major from Richmond, received a Best of sb体育 Award.


凯丽·林恩,斯蒂芬·F. 奥斯汀州立大学 biology major from Rusk, received a Best of sb体育 Award.

Brennen Leidy

布伦南·莱迪,斯蒂芬·F. 奥斯汀州立大学 biology and geology major from 新 Braunfels, received a Best of sb体育 Award.

德州纳科 ——史蒂芬·F. 奥斯汀州立大学 Division of Student Affairs named Launa卡斯塔涅达 of Garland, 里士满的朱莉娅·霍布森, 拉斯克的凯丽·林恩, and Brennen Leidy of 新 Braunfels as recipients of the 2024 Best of sb体育 Award.

“This is a difficult award to select as many of our student leaders deserve recognition for their contributions to the sb体育 community,莱西·福尔瑟姆说, 学生活动主任. “然而, the committee found these four recipients as wonderful representatives of the passion, 根植于sb体育最佳奖项的奉献和精神.”

The awards are given annually to recognize students who excel in the areas of scholarship, participation and leadership in academic and co-curricular activities as well as service and loyalty to the university. These exemplary students are honored during the Lumberjack Achievement Awards Banquet held each spring semester and go on to represent sb体育 throughout the following academic year.


Castañeda主修政治学,辅修英语. A graduate of Garland High School, she is the daughter of Astrid and Gilberto Castañeda.

She has served in various roles in the League of United Latin American Citizens; lead counselor for Generation Jacks; served on the OMA Presidents Council; was founder and representative of the Multicultural Leadership Coalition; president of Coffee Club; academics chair, historian and parliamentarian for Delta Zeta sorority; and outreach chair for 学生 for Biden.  

Castañeda also participated in community service projects such as the Big Event, 马丁·路德·金服务日, 高速公路清理. She has volunteered at the 纳科 County Animal Shelter and Harvest House, 在许多其他倡议中

他是第一代学生,将于8月毕业, Castañeda plans to either take a gap year to study for the Law School Admission Test or stay at sb体育 to pursue a master’s degree. 


Hobson is a general agriculture major with a pre-veterinarian concentration and minors in biology and chemistry. A graduate of Foster High School, she is the daughter of Bernie and Pam Hobson. 

sb体育工作期间, Hobson volunteered at the 纳科 County Animal Shelter and participated in initiatives such as Compassion Animal Project, blendVET, 狗和喵喵动物救援, 和北罗森博格之友-攻击贫困.

她曾担任多个sb体育领导职位, 包括扮演杰克·沃克, co-founder of the Organization of Asian Excellence and as service committee chair and secretary for Omicron Delta Kappa national leadership and honor society. She’s also been a member of the Pre-Vet Club and the Honors Student Association. 

Slated to graduate summa cum laude and with the University Scholar designation in May, 霍布森将继续她在德克萨斯大学的学业&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Professional Program. 另外, she will be joining their Masters of Veterinary Public 健康 and Epidemiology program as part of their MS VPHE/DVM dual-degree program. 


林恩主修生物学,辅修一般商业. She is a graduate of Rusk High School and the daughter of Chris and Kim Lynn. 

林恩是个杰克·沃克, 取向的领导者, Jack Camp counselor and a research assistant in the Bruck Integrative Biology Lab. She is the president of the sb体育 Biology Club and on the Omicron Delta Kappa national leadership and honor society service committee.

作为欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕的一员, Lynn helped plan and host a Special Olympics for the East 德州 community last year for local special needs children. She has also volunteered at the 纳科 County Animal Shelter, MLK服务日及大型活动.

预计12月毕业, 林恩将留在sb体育攻读生物学硕士学位, 继续她在本科期间开始的工作. 目前, she participates in research with Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales to learn more about each species and contribute to ongoing conservation efforts. She hopes to lead her own research projects focused on saving wildlife. 

Brennen Leidy

蕾蒂是生物学和地质学双学位的学生. 他是Christopher和Michelle Leidy的儿子. 

Leidy is a field technician intern in the Montana Aquatic Ecology Lab, a tutor in the Academic Assistance and Resource Center and a commercial fisherman in Bristol Bay, 阿拉斯加. He also served as chief justice on the Interfraternal Council executive board and is a member of Order of Omega, 欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕的总裁, 杰克·沃克, 也是Theta Chi兄弟会Epsilon Tau分会的主席. 

在欧米克隆三角洲卡帕, 他帮助组织了一次募捐活动, 特奥会项目, 监督一次罐头食品募捐活动, organized a blanket donation and wrote letters to nursing homes and hospitalized children, 在许多其他志愿活动中. 

预计5月毕业, Leidy intends to pursue a graduate degree in biology and research paleontology. 获得研究生学位后, he hopes to work with the United States Department of the Interior, 最好是国家公园管理局.

关于Stephen. 奥斯汀州立大学 
Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学, 德州大学系统的最新成员, began a century ago as a teachers’ college in 德州’ oldest town, 纳科. 今天, it has grown into a regional institution comprising six colleges — business, 教育, 美术, 林业和农业, 文科及应用文科, 科学和数学. 由南方学院和学校协会认证, sb体育招收约11人,000 students while providing the academic breadth of a state university with the personalized attention of a private school. The main campus encompasses 421 acres that include 37 academic facilities, 9栋宿舍, and 68 acres of recreational trails that wind through its six gardens. 这所大学提供80多个学士学位, more than 40 master’s degrees and four doctoral degrees covering more than 120 areas of study. 欲知详情,请浏览 sb体育网站.