
项目Raíces是由Stephen F. 奥斯丁州立大学教育研究系致力于加强东德克萨斯州学区的双语和多语言教育, 完成了第一年的语言和读写学术课程. 图为Raíces项目团队的成员在他们的一个研讨会上,从左到右. Marisol Diaz, faculty member from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Dr. Lauren Burrow, SFA professor; Dr. Chrissy Cross, SFA associate professor; Carrie Wright, Project Raíces program director; Dr. Heather Olson Beal, SFA professor; and Darius Tubbs, associate program director.

NACOGDOCHES, TexasProject Raíces, a grant-funded program facilitated through Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学教育研究系, 已经完成了2023-24届语言与读写学院的第一年课程, 加强纳科多奇斯县和安吉利娜县学区的双语和多语教育.

接触所有个人和社区,建立成功的语言学习, referred to in short as Project Raíces, 是由美国国家专业发展基金资助的.S. Department of Education. Its goals are to improve instruction for English learners; increase the number of East Texas teachers certified in English as a second language, or ESL; and engage parents and caregivers through workshops that focus on school readiness, emergent literacy and language acquisition.

The five-year grant began with a planning year in 2022. In the 2023-24 academic year, Project Raíces provided ESL professional development, 社区参与活动和儿童识字培训.

“我很高兴能让这个资助团队的愿景成为现实,” said Carrie Wright, Project Raíces program director. “Seeing teachers, 家长和SFA学生作为一个社区一起努力,共同提高读写能力,这是一个鼓舞人心的事情.”

This year, Raíces项目主办了四个语言和扫盲学院, 这些研讨会为教师和教师候选人提供关于ESL测试和策略的互动指导,而家长则获得有关如何与社区资源联系并帮助学校孩子的信息.

At the academias, 参加活动的家庭的孩子们还享用了香油, or carnival, 其中包括音乐家和艺术家进行文化表演. Project Raíces coordinators also hosted Yuyi Morales, 墨西哥裔美国儿童作家,著有《sb体育》和《sb体育》,” for an event.

In collaboration with other departments in SFA’s James I. Perkins College of Education, students of Dr. Deborah Buswell, 运动机能学与健康科学系副教授, 帮助学生们开发户外游戏, and Dr. Gina Fe Causin’s, associate professor in the School of Human Sciences, 作为一个正在进行的服务学习项目的一部分,酒店管理专业的学生参加了这些活动.

“我是大会和会议策划班的一员. Causin and worked at the registration table, 在引导父母和他们的孩子去他们需要去的地方之前,先让他们签到,” said Belle Carrera, 新布朗费尔斯酒店管理专业的一年级学生, Texas. “我确实学会了如何更好地与同事沟通,也与客人沟通. 发起谈话对我来说一直是个问题, 参与Raíces项目无疑提高了我的沟通技巧.”

这份拨款申请是全国44份拨款申请之一. Heather Olson Beal and Lauren Burrow, professors; Dr. Chrissy Cross, associate professor; and Dr. Yuan He, assistant professor, 他们都是sb体育教育研究系的教员. Dr. Marisol Diaz, 谁是加州州立理工大学的教员, Pomona, 也曾担任该项目的作者和联合首席研究员.

sb体育一直在寻找新的机会,让SFA学生社区参与到主动学习中来,” Wright said. “如果你有一个学生团体可以从这个项目中受益,请sb体育.”

Each year, Raíces项目将从纳科多奇斯和卢夫金独立学区招募25名在职教师, sb体育教育工作者培训项目的25名职前教师, 8名SFA教师和德克萨斯州东部25个新兴双语学生家庭参加了这个项目.

2024-25学年的招生工作已经开始. Those interested must fill out an application on their website and are chosen based on several factors, 主要是他们在课堂上教授新兴双语者的关系. The program will continue for three more years.

For more information, visit the Project Raíces website or contact raices@hypercollab.net.

Stephen F. Austin State University, the newest member of The University of Texas System, 一个世纪前,作为德克萨斯州最古老城镇的一所师范学院成立, Nacogdoches. Today, 它已发展成为一个由六所商学院组成的地区性机构, education, fine arts, forestry and agriculture, liberal and applied arts, and sciences and mathematics. 由南方学院和学校协会认证, SFA enrolls approximately 11,同时提供州立大学的学术广度和私立学校的个性化关注. 主校区占地421英亩,包括37个学术设施, nine residence halls, 68英亩的休闲步道蜿蜒穿过六个花园. The university offers more than 80 bachelor’s degrees, 拥有40多个硕士学位和4个博士学位,涵盖120多个研究领域. Learn more at the SFA website.