

如果你想在美国获得学位, sb体育 is a great place to explore, 学习和成长. 你不仅会在这里找到引人入胜的课程和优秀的教师, you’ll have opportunities to explore other cultures, 结交一生的朋友,并参与大学生活所提供的一切. sb体育邀请您亲自探索伐木工的体验.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

注意: If you are applying for an F-1 student visa, 查看当前的财务要求,以完成I-20表格 upon receiving acceptance from sb体育.

The Office of 招生 Cost of Attendance page offers details on the average cost to attend sb体育. 你可能 meet the requirements to establish 德州 residency; otherwise, you are considered an out-of-state resident for tuition 和 fees.

申请sb体育: The requirements

An international student is someone who is not a U.S. citizen or a permanent U.S. 居民(我.e., those who are visa holders). 延期遣返儿童入境者不被视为国际学生.

英语水平 requirements

所有申请人必须提交英语考试成绩或放弃等效作为其完整的申请的一部分. 考试可以通过以下官方考试之一进行:

  • TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • IELTS: International English Language Testing System
  • DET: Duolingo English Test (for undergraduate admission only)

If you have attended school in the U.S., including select language schools, 为满足英语要求,可选择其他课程.


任何教育工作者预备课程的申请人必须遵守《sb体育》中列出的要求 EPP手册.

参观 英语水平 Requirement page 了解更多信息.


所有国际申请者必须按课程提交申请 credential evaluations from previous schools that are outside the U.S.

  • Undergraduate, first-time student: 所有中学
  • Undergraduate, transfer: 所有二次 post-secondary schools
  • 研究生: all post-secondary schools

国际项目办公室将接受大多数知名公司的证书评估. Although we do not recommend any one company, sb体育与以下公司有过成功的合作经验:

Additional requirements for admissions:

Undergraduate applicant


  • 至少2.5 cumulative GPA on 所有二次 coursework.


  • 至少2.0 cumulative GPA on all post-secondary coursework.


除上述要求所述的证书评估外, 如果你是从另一个教育机构转学,并希望转换课程学分, you may be required to submit syllabi from those courses.



Undergraduate applicants

申请sb体育 is easy with the 应用德州 online admissions application. 这个申请可以在世界上任何地方完成.

注意: When completing the 应用德州 application, if you have trouble entering your high school code, try using eight asterisks (*) instead.

The cost for applying to sb体育 is $50. You'll pay this at the end of the application process.

After you submit your application, mail additional documents to the Office of International 项目.


申请sb体育's graduate school is easy with the online admissions application. 这个申请可以在世界上任何地方完成.

The cost for applying to sb体育 is $50. You'll pay this at the end of the application process.

After you submit your application, mail additional documents to the Office of International 项目.

All applicants: mail additional documents


All applicants must submit:

Undergraduate applicants also can submit:


以下文件只应提交,如果你的学术课程要求. 您的学术课程申请指南应通过电子邮件向国际项目办公室索取 internationalgrad@hypercollab.net.

  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal goal statement, or similar
  • 官方 GRE, issued directly by ETS
    • 学校代码:6682
  • 正式的考试


所有申请人应将文件邮寄到国际招生办公室. View mailing address options.


接受? 祝贺你! Here's what to do next:

美国公民及移民服务局要求所有F和J学生签证持有人证明他们有足够的资金支付他们的教育费用, living 和 other expenses. This funding may come from the student, a sponsor or multiple sponsors (such as family members), 贷款和奖学金或校内就业(如研究生助学金).

You will need this 的证明 financial support when:

  • 要求国际项目办公室提供初始资格证明(I-20或DS-2019)
    • This allows you to apply for your student visa.
  • applying for a visa at a U.S. 大使馆或领事馆
  • 正在更新学生移民记录.

Step 1: Collect 的证明 financial support 


以下文件中的信息将用于填写您的I-20或DS-2019表格, which will allow you to apply for your student visa.

  1. certification of finances form completed by you 和 your sponsor(s).
  2. 您或您的担保人的银行对账单或其他财务文件,证明至少*的资金:
    • Undergraduate students: $33,676 USD.
    • 研究生: $28,055 USD.


如果你是从美国其他教育机构转学的.S., you also will need a 转入形式 由您和您的国际学生顾问完成,以转移您的SEVIS记录.

Step 2: Send us your documents


Receiving your I-20/DS-2019 forms

U.S. Immigration 和 Customs Enforcement's I-20指导政策 和美国.S. Department of State's updated options for form DS-2019 允许OIP选择将您的I-20/DS-2019表格通过电子邮件发送给您.



Office of International 项目
P.O. Box 6152, sb体育 Station
德州纳科 75962

Express mail - FedEx, UPS:
Office of International 项目
905 E. 图书馆开
德州纳科 75962


Office of International 项目
传真: 936.468.7215

Steen图书馆, Suite 103