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State officials have seen a marked rise in the number of students leaving higher education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the 德州 Higher Education Coordinating Board approved special funding in the form of the Reskilling Support Grant to help students return to school and achieve their dream of walking the graduation stage.

Regardless of where you began your degree, you can finish it at sb体育 with reskilling grant monies! This program allows students significantly impacted by the pandemic access to emergency funding if they meet eligibility criteria listed below. Grant funds offer emergency coverage of tuition and fees aimed to assist in students’ continuation of education and economic recovery.


This funding is for students who:

  1. aren't currently attending college
  2. have missed at least one long term
  3. and were negatively impacted by COVID-19.

In addition to affirming they were affected by COVID-19, the student must be:

  • a 德州 resident, eligible for in-state tuition
  • enrolled in an eligible program, on at least part-time basis
  • have not been enrolled in an accredited postsecondary institution in the previous long term or previous six months
  • have completed 50% or more of their academic program
  • are Title IV eligible
  • and demonstrate financial need.

学生 seeking the Reskilling Grant must complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助.

Award totals

Eligible students will receive between $500 and $2,500 per term, after all other state gift aid is applied to the cost of their tuition and fees. The amount received cannot exceed their demonstrated financial need.

应用ing for the grant

一旦你 applied to sb体育 and are admitted, you should complete the Reskilling Grant application form and your FAFSA.

Your grant application will be reviewed by sb体育 admissions and financial aid staff members. If you meet eligibility requirement and funds are available, you'll be awarded funds. The reviewing process may take 7 to 10 business days to complete.


Office of 招生
工作人员 directory
招生 counselors

Physical Address:
Rusk Building

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13051, sb体育 Station
Nacogdoches, 德州 75962