


Transferable skills in the classroom

All skills valued by employers, regardless of a graduate's major 和 career aspirations, can be learned inside the classroom!

学生 learn valuable skills, including how to:

  • 定义一个问题
  • investigate possibilities 和 articulate findings
  • write, problem solve, organize research, 和 think critically

Helping students connect these dots in the classroom, regardless of the field of study, impacts student eng年龄ment, 保留, employment 和 overall success. 的 skills identification 和 articulation chart 贯穿于职业和专业发展中心提供的所有服务.

资源 through 握手

握手 is sb体育's online career man年龄ment platform!

利用 握手 to:

  • 为学生寻找实习、兼职和全职的工作机会.
  • View details about upcoming career workshops hosted by the CCPD.
  • 查看 list of employers attending 人才招聘会往往会.
  • 搜索 for employer contacts within a certain 组织.

电子邮件 ccpd@hypercollab.net to create a 握手 account.

Using our services for 一项任务

Integrate the CCPD services into your assignments! To schedule our services for 一项任务, complete the 任务申请表格 作业开始前至少两周,最好是学期开始前.


Have our team review your students' résumés, 求职信, 参考文献, 简历, or personal essays 和 letters of interest. 学生 can submit an electronic document critique through 握手 or schedule a face-to-face critique with our office; either way, 他们以电子方式收到反馈,这些反馈可以提交或上传到在线课程.


模拟面试是学生在回答面试问题时获得实际经验的好方法. sb体育提供了一个虚拟模拟面试任务使用sb体育的在线资源,面试.com (formally InterviewStream). 

对于这个作业, 教师将在该系统中设置作业,并可以选择他们自己的面试问题或使用sb体育预先准备的问题之一. CCPD会帮助你设置虚拟模拟面试任务一旦你完成了 任务申请表格

然后,学生将收到一个访问码,可以在任何适合他们的时间完成模拟面试. All they will need to complete this project is access to a computer, tablet or phone that has a camera 和 microphone.


安排一名CCPD团队成员通过完成sb体育陈述要求表格. 要求应在首选演示日期前至少两周提出.

Presentation topics available:

  1. CCPD概述:看看sb体育办公室为学生提供的一般服务,包括职业探索, 工作准备, 文档的评论, 职业生涯衣橱, 练习面试, 招聘会等. (30至45分钟.)
  2. 的简历 建设: Basic tips 和 guidelines for creating a résumé. (45分钟.)
  3. 高年级学生小贴士 & 技巧:面向大三、大四学生的演讲,因为他们开始找工作,从学生过渡到专业人士. (45分钟.)
  4. 人才招聘会往往会 & 网络: We walk through a Career Fair experience 和 how to best prepare. We also offer general networking practices. (45分钟.)
  5. 专业 -sb体育来看看什么是“专业”,以及作为一名学生如何开始建立这些技能. (45分钟.)
  6. 采访车间 - Learn about 和 practice interview skills. 适合参加CCPD在线模拟面试作业的班级和小组. (50分钟.)
  7. 个人品牌 - How self-presentation 和 self-representation occurs through various avenues. (30至45分钟.)
  8. 有效的探索 – Presents students with concepts, 支持有效探索专业和职业可能性的策略和资源. (30至45分钟.)

Did you have something in mind that is not on the list? 让sb体育知道!

Writing a Recommendation or Reference?

查看 sample letter of recommendation.

资源 from the National Association of Colleges 和 Employers

12 tips to remember when giving a reference

的 following guidelines summarize important points taken from National Association of Colleges 和 Employers to remember when giving a reference:

  1. 在提供推荐人之前,先取得有关推荐人的同意.
  2. 和要求你做推荐人的人讨论一下你要提供的推荐人的类型. If you cannot provide a good reference, be honest with the individual.
  3. If "to whom it may concern" reference letters are requested, 证明这是所要求的推荐信类型,并且学生或求职者有责任将这些推荐信分发给适当的人.
  4. Respond to the specific inquiry about the student or job applicant.
  5. 将推荐人所申请的具体职位和申请人将要从事的工作联系起来.
  6. 避免与潜在雇主就员工的表现进行非正式或“非正式”的讨论. 的re is no such thing as "off the record."
  7. Information given should be factual, 根据对候选人的个人了解/观察,通过直接接触或从候选人的人事记录或学生记录中获得.
  8. Avoid giving personal opinions or feelings. 如果你给出一个观点,解释你的观点所依据的事件或情况, 和 clearly identify this as an opinion, 这不是事实.
  9. 不要猜测或推测——如果有人问你关于你不知道的个人特征的问题, state that you have no knowledge.
  10. State in a reference letter, "This information is confidential, 应该这样对待吗, 和 is provided at the request of (name of applicant), who has asked me to serve as a reference.“诸如此类的陈述为传播提供了理由,毫无疑问,提供这些信息不是为了损害某人的声誉.
  11. Do not include information that might indicate an individual's race, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 国籍, sex (unless by the individual's name it is obvious), 或者婚姻状况. Do not base an opinion of performance on stereotypes about individuals (e.g. "for a woman, she excels at math").
  12. Document all information you release.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I refer students to the CCPD?

尽可能早! 鼓励学生浏览他们的握手账户来安排预约. 即使毕业后,sb体育校友也可以免费使用CCPD服务! See a complete listing of student services on the 教师 和 Advisors home p年龄.


和你看到的学生谈谈sb体育提供的服务——无论是在课堂上还是在建议上, your referral can impact a student's career.

  • 推荐你希望招聘sb体育学生的具体雇主或职业领域
  • Share information with us concerning your field of study, 相关的职业, 和 updated information about your department
  • 创建一个握手教师账户,跟踪谁在校园招聘

How should I respond when employers request names of students?

该委员会由大学负责,以满足就业机会均等机会/就业机会管理局的指导方针,帮助学生确定就业机会. 学院应该意识到,如果他们回应这些请求,他们可能违反了与EEO/AA相关的联邦法律. CCPD建议教师推荐雇主到sb体育的办公室发布他们的工作机会. Should you wish to make student referrals, 你可以这样做,只要这个机会也在握手网站上发布,这样所有合格的候选人都有机会申请.

For more information see the National Association of Colleges 和 Employers' A 教师 Guide to Ethical 和 Legal St和ards in Student Hiring.

What companies recruit at sb体育?

You can view a list of registered employers for each Career Fair on 握手.

Can the CCPD aid in selecting a major? 一个职业? 找工作?

绝对! 职业生涯辅导, 职业清单和职业规划研讨会可以帮助参与者在学术和职业决策方面提供帮助. 的 first step is to make an appointment with a 职业教练.


  • 握手 houses many internship, 兼职, 和 full-time postings specifically for sb体育 students 和 alumni, as well as requesting to interview with a particular 组织
  • 每学期都举办与职业相关的研讨会和信息会议,让学生更多地了解职业发展, 一个特定的行业, 组织, or employment opportunities
  • 招聘会是学生和校友接触招聘人员的绝佳机会


  • 鼓励并与学生分享参加招聘会的价值总是有帮助的. Add it to your class syllabus or class announcements.
  • Consider offering extra course credit if a student attends a career fair. 的 CCPD can help collect sign-in sheets for your class at the fairs. 简单的电子邮件 ccpd@hypercollab.net 让sb体育知道.



就业中心 和 专业发展

Baker Pattillo Student Center

P.O. sb体育站6076号包厢